click before you dig

There are significant delays in locating response times in some areas of Manitoba.
It may take up to 10-14 days for you to receive a response to your request from click before you dig.

Line Locates

Line Locates are necessary for any service where we will be digging or puncturing the ground. For all tent rentals, the renter is required to contact and arrange underground line locates by all utility companies (electricity, hydro, telephone companies) by contacting click before you dig.

Regardless of the previous locates, lines must be identified no more than 3 weeks prior to the event as line locates expire after 3 weeks.

Inspections MUST be done.

If locates are not completed, set-up will not begin and full payment is required.

You are not clear to excavate until all utilities have been located.
Pinnacle Event Rentals is not responsible for booking your line locates.
All clients are responsible for their own line locates
and inspections must be done.

Before you dig

  • If you plan to excavate or dig into the ground for any reason deeper than 15 cm, complete a line locate onlineor call 1-800-940-3447 for help with your request.
  • You will be contacted within 3 business days with a line locate date.
    • We will locate and mark Manitoba Hydro owned electrical and natural gas lines with flags and spray paint.
    • You will get a Facilities Locate form with specific instructions that must be followed, in accordance with Government of Manitoba statues and regulations.
  • If work has not started within 14 days after line location, you must contact us to have the lines re-marked and receive an updated Facilities Locate form.

For more information, or to reschedule your Manitoba Hydro line locate appointment, call 204-480-1212 within Winnipeg or 1-888-624-9376 outside of Winnipeg.

During excavation

  • Keep the Facilities Locate form at the site until the excavation and backfill are complete.
  • Ensure everyone on the worksite is aware of the presence of all electric and natural gas lines.
  • The locate markings must be maintained and kept visible by the person or contractor doing the excavating. Be careful that site operators do not remove the locate markings.